I'll be the first to admit, I'm not exactly a "pet person". While I had a few cats while growing up, my own animal experiences as a 'grown up' consisted to just about a 2-month temporary guardianship of a dog named Dutchess. Unfortunately, Dutchess had a wild spirit...and I was a novice! In fact, even though my older two kids and I faithfully took Dutchess through a series of classes called "Puppy Kindergarten"....the discovery that I was expecting a baby had me make the difficult decision to let Dutchess move to another home. That was in 1997.
Fast forward to 2009. My son was in college, and my older daughter was starting her senior year of high school. Faced with the idea of soon becoming an 'only child in the house', our younger daughter convinced us to 'adopt' two kitties! Smores and Oreo.
These two kitties are going to turn 7 this Summer...and have provided an interesting energy to our home and family over the past several years. Unfortunately, as my husband and I get set to become "true empty nesters" this Fall, the cats are now presenting a challege for us.