Changing Seasons
Ready for Spring?
Spring Blooms
March is a month of transition.
There is a time change (losing an hour of sleep for one night, but gaining an hour of Daylight for the next several months.
There is a Season Change; saying GOOD-BYE to Winter and HELLO to Spring!
There are also activity changes that occur; time for putting away the skis, skates and snowmobiles so we can start pulling out the golf clubs, running shoes and bicycles.
There is also a wardrobe change; putting away the heavy coats, boots and gloves; and making the change to light jackets; shorts and sunglasses.
Getting into better physical shape takes on a new sense of urgency; in order to participate in activities that require more energy and stamina.
March points us away from the season of being “indoors”; and toward spending an extraordinary amount of time outside; enjoying nature!
This is also the month when many of us embark on a journey of “Spring Cleaning”; a process of purging our homes of the items we consider to be unnecessary. Perhaps it’s this annual focus on “cleaning up and clearing out” that I find to be the most therapeutic aspect of the new season. Indeed, it is often easier to look forward to “what’s next” if we can give up (or give away) those items that are “left-overs”.
In some ways, the process of “Spring Cleaning” should involve more than just our “physical stuff”. This is a perfect opportunity to consider our thoughts, feelings and dreams. Spring is a great time of the year to reconsider all of our goals for the year; taking stock of those timelines (and deadlines) that will be looming as the year continues to progress. At the end of March, we will reach the “quarter-end mark” for the year.
The next “season change” will bring us to the mid-point of the year. This is the month to ask ourselves what we want to have accomplished by the time that next milestone arrives. Being mindful of the goals we have set and the process we are making will allow us to have the best chance of fully completing the goals we have set for ourselves.