Aggressive Goals?
At the start of 2019, I laid out a very aggressive set of goals for myself to achieve. The goals were based on my desire to become more productive on the ‘writing side’ in my personal space in 2019. My goals were specific in number. At the outset, I truly believed having a measurable set of targeted outcomes would force me to “dig in” every week…as to not disappoint myself.
Even though I have not been reaching THOSE targets, I’m making terrific progress on some of the goals I have set for myself this year.
Instead of making “New Year’s Resolutions”, I have been choosing a “WORD” for each of the past few years. This year, my “WORD” is S-I-M-P-L-I-F-Y. Each of those letters stands for a specific item I want to work toward accomplishing this year. The goals range from being healthier and more “P”hysically active, to learning more “S”kills and making “I”mprovements on those skills; especially in the area of technology.
So, while my own personal blog-writing has been taking a bit of a back-seat, a very busy season of extreme weather at work has allowed me to tackle some of those technology skills “on the job”! I’m feeling more confident everyday in learning and using the computer skills that have been my focus for this year.
At the end of the day, I realize having “aggressive goals” is helpful in moving toward long-term success. The only drawback would come in “giving up” when falling short of reaching those goals. That sort of defeat has been the hallmark of my failures in past years.
Not anymore.
I am determined this year will be different. Adopting this mindset, and continuing to work toward building skills and relationships will prove to be the step-by-step means toward great accomplishments in 2019….and beyond.