2 Choices on a Saturday Morning
Today was a rare Saturday morning, when I could sleep in and not have any immediate demands on my schedule! As I grabbed my cell phone to check my messages and social media, it became clear that I had two choices for how the next several hours would unfold.
I could grab a cup of coffee, turn on a Hallmark movie and snuggle back into bed for a couple of hours….OR….I could put on my work-out clothes and hit the treadmill!
It took me a few minutes of soul-searching, but I decided to choose the latter! The process of getting out of bed, putting on a pair of yoga pants and my tennis shoes made me feel like I was making the right choice. After walking 2-miles on the treadmill, I sat in the sauna for about an hour. The combination made my body feel healthier and my mind feel clearer.
As a bonus, I stripped the bed and threw the sheets into the washing machine before hitting the treadmill.
After a couple of hours, I had finished a work-out and the laundry…and could look forward into climbing into bed tonight between freshly washed sheets!
One more bonus was the energy and commitment to tackle this blog post…my 3rd in 2019. I’m behind schedule on that goal for the year…but I know I’ll be able to convince myself to not abandon a goal just because I have fallen a bit off schedule. Afterall….it’s still the first half of January!